And I've also been very busy working on Twain's birth announcements. It's taking me forever this time around(having 4 kids has slowed me down quite a bit).
But I am having plenty of fun experimenting with my new toy.
Seriously, too much fun for 1 girl to handle!
Seriously, too much fun for 1 girl to handle!
And here I am lifting weights while my cricut is chirping happily away.
I have been trying to get into more healthy shape for let's see...oh the past 2 days.
I have been trying to get into more healthy shape for let's see...oh the past 2 days.
Before I say goodbye, I must tell you about my exciting field trip to Trader Joes this afternoon. I know Trader Joes is old hat for many of you, but it's a rare treat for me. Since we are on a strict budget, we(meaning John) have been shopping exclusively at Winco. I know that Trader Joes is relatively affordable, but Winco is still cheaper, overall.
For a looooong time, I have been wanting to eat more healthy foods, but it just did not seem economically feasible. But after reading this post, I was more motivated to try. If she could do it on a budget with 6 kids, I could too. It is just a matter of changing my priorities. Many people eat healthy and are willing to spend less on other goods. And perhaps less on cricut paraphenilia.
And so I think I am willing to spend less on the clothes category{gasp} and more on the food category. Well, let's not get too crazy. Maybe the supplies category could take the first hit.
So off I went with my little wad of cash.
While at Trader Joes, I saw a dad shopping with his 4 sons, with their cart loaded to the brim.
I want to be them. I do! I do!
And there I was, with my measly stash of food, but I was awfully proud.
I held up the peanut butter aisle for almost 15 minutes, while at least 3 or 4 people had to say "excuse me" and reach around me for their jar of choice. I finally found some with omega-3, that suited my fancy.
Isn't it handsome?
Isn't it handsome?
And I bought some eggplant humus because it had less calories than the regular kind.
It is quite zesty and tasty, fyi.
And the vanilla almond granola bar took at least 15 minutes to chow down, it was so dense and chewy. I felt like a goat or pigeon. And I loved it.
Ok, back to my announcements. I am hoping to get them out before Twain's 1st birthday...