January 22, 2010

blue moon

Finn was instructed to write and illustrate a sentence about chameleons yesterday in school:

When I asked why the moon was blue, Finn responded, "Normally the moon is white but the color white does not show up well on white paper so I used blue instead...and sometimes the moon really is blue...it has a pattern of white, then blue, then white...

Not being an astronomer myself, I was satisfied with his highly scientific explanation. And there is that saying, "once in blue moon".

And notice the rest of the teeny tiny solar system included at the top of his picture? I am sure Finn's teacher just thought it was chicken scratch. Little does he know that space invaders have taken up residence in our home, quite literally.

My boys decorated their room with the planets. Seriously, these are the things I wake up to, on a daily basis. There is always some sort of wall decor that they have hand-crafted.

Compete with the asteroid belt(brown rocks) trailing off on the bottom right--that's my favorite part.
I told John, "it is not normal how obsessed the boys are with space."

"Oh yes, it is completely normal for boys to be into dinosaurs and space", he informed me.

I'm not completely sure I agree, but what do I know? I grew up with all girls.

But one thing is for certain. I know that it's not normal for wee little Calvin to walk around muttering about W Cephei and MY Cephei. He's definitely under the influence of Finn.


  1. Your boys are so creative, I love it!!

    So, do you keep all of the boys' artwork, or do you take the photos and just keep that?? I'm wondering as I start to think about the next several years for me! I already have too much stuff lying around. =)

  2. That is really precious! Your boys are so cute.

  3. John is right! It's totally normal. My son knows way more than I do about space....even though I'm studying right along side him this year in our astronomy curriculum.

    My kids draw everything too and tape it to our walls. It's a sign of healthy kids. =0)

  4. these boys never cease to amaze me. i love it. 4.5 months til we come home!!

  5. Oh that is AWESOME. I am hereby requesting a blog or some pictures about your boys' room! That BED- have got to hear the story behind that awesome thing!

  6. I was obsessed with space,I loved the talks with my dad. I finally got a telescope hoping to discover something...the twerps know much more than I did:)

  7. oh the things i have to look forward to...

  8. hmmm..and what is normal for girls?

  9. A boy after my own (but mostly my father's) heart.


  10. i just love those boys of yours. i hope i get to wake up to planets posted on my walls someday too :) xo.

  11. John's right, totally normal. When my husband was about Finn's age he had all the eras and classes of dinosaurs memorized. He was super obsessed with dinosaurs.

  12. I love the space obsession...and how creative your boys are!

    I would love to get together to play...we definitely will need to get out of the house! Let me know what works for you...you have more to schedule than I do!

  13. Davi, this is precious! I recently commented on Talia's 'delurking' post and thought - why not reveal myself to you too (since I came across your blog from hers).

    Your family is adorable and it is so fun to see what your latest adventure is.

    Have a great day!

  14. Wow, your boys are so cute! I love how they latch on to a topic or interest and obsess over it. In the future you are going to love that you've documented this! Your boys are so cute.

  15. Oops, I should have re-read my comment before posting. I'm a broken record. :S

  16. there is just something about a child's room when it's filled with their own imaginings... I LOVE it. Those planets are perfect!

    I couldn't help but laugh when you talked about little Calvin walking around muttering about stars. lol!! I can just picture it :)

    Finn has such neat handwriting too... what a little scholar! so cute!!

  17. I am truly amazed at how much they know about space! But I agree with John, totally normal, and super cute! You guys sure brought some super smart little rays of sunshine into this world dear =)
