March 19, 2008

hybrid cats

Has anyone heard of these hybrid cats? A couple of months ago, my SIL was telling me about a house cat that was part tiger. I was instantly fascinated. Then yesteray a I read an article on Yahoo news about some hybrid cats that were part leopard.
Aren't they outrageously fun? I instantly thought of Calvin, whose two favorite stuffed animals are orange kitty and leopard(aka epa). What more could he want in a pet? When I showed him this picture, he sat staring at it, completely mesmerized. Then he started talking to it in a happy high-pitched voice. If these hybrids weren't so pricey(at least $1000) I would buy one for Calvin in a heartbeat. And I don't even want a pet. At least for now. Dogs require more attention that I can muster and cats...well, everyone seems deathly allergic to regular cats. Like my sister Jessica. I wonder if she is allergic to hybrid cats? I want one. Don't worry mom, or Jess, I'm not going to get one. It's just fun to imagine having one.


  1. Cats scare me (maybe leftover anxiety from my grandma's cat attacking me when I was about 8??), so I can't imagine having one that was part tiger or leopard...but Calvin looks like he could handle it.

  2. Ohhh! I want one! So pretty! I have always wished that it was possible to get a miniature male lion with a mane and everything, just shrunk to the size of a house cat. This leopard is pretty amazing! And I bet it would be smart enough not to get himself stuck up a tree like a certain pet of mine.

  3. Oooh, it's lovely. Quite beautiful and exotic. But I'd be worried about the wild animal genes possibly dominating the housecat genes...but don't *not* get one on my account! The price tag is pretty steep, but not as bad as I imagined. I wonder how many recycled cans it would take...

  4. There in no amount of recycled cans that would pay for a kitty like that here--John thinks pets shoud be free--I think it's ok to pay a little bit for a pet, but certainly not that much. And that's funny that you wrote about the wild animal gene coming out. That too crossed my mind, but John wasn't concerned about that aspect.

  5. I love how Calvin is always carrying around his little kitty's. It's too cute. I used to love cats when I was little too, but for some strange reason mine always ran away and my brother had his forever.
