November 9, 2011

you can roll a rolo

I have important stuff to blog about.

Like how to roll a rolo to a friend.

This ones for you katygirl...and my little sister Lindsay.

Katy and Lindsay, you can go here to complete your day. If I found my recorder/flutaphone, I would be practicing right now.

I feel so happy inside right now.

It's Alisha's and Olive Oyl's fault. They started the rolo craze at our dearest friend Angela's baby shower.

And now we are addicted. Thanks guys.

A few of you asked for photos of Angela's shower. I know half of you have already seen them if you are fb friends with Angela-- a little redundo I realize, so if you've already seen them, go sing about rolos!!!!

It was such a cozy little night I truly never wanted it to end.

Lorie and I raided our houses for warm blankets and literally just piled everything onto the deck.

Angela is decorating the baby's room in owls, so we went totally overboard on owls. She may never want to see another owl as long as she lives.

Looks like the yellow owl took a little dump on the window, hm.

Lorie made the amazing mobile to the right.

Alisha and Olive Oyl made the rolo favors(THANK YOU!) and Lish also made the fab cake.

My mind is already back on rolos.

Sing along with me, "You can roll a rolo to your pal, it's chewy chocolate covered car-a-melllll..."!