John was listening to Focus on the Family recently and the topic was birth order. Dobson interviewed Kevin Leman, who wrote the Birth Order Book. And Dobson agreed with Leman that the book had merit and was "very relevant to parenting". So as John was telling me about this, I was rolling my eyes(Not at John, at the birth order theory).
You may have heard about it before. The oldest child is the bossy/leader(nearly every American president has been the eldest child), the middle child is laid back/compatible with everyone and the youngest is friendly/outgoing. The reason I was so skeptical, is that there seems to be so many exceptions. For example, my youngest sister Lindsay has middle child characteristics: she is very laid back and can get along with anyone. Older sister Jess does have firstborn leader traits though--as the middle child, I followed her everywhere and copied everything she did. I am the middle child, yet think I am more of a hybrid of sorts. I don't know. I am lousy at self-analysis.
However, when I look at my 3 boys, I think the birth order theory may prove to be correct. It's probably too soon to tell with Ollie.
Finn is definitely the little bossy leader of this posse.
Here Finn is, ready for take-off.
I am not sure where he plans on going, but he will most certainly coerce Calvin and Ollie to get on board with him. He is constantly thinking of things to do, and becomes quite intolerant of any insubordinates. Today he was practically in tears, because Calvin would not go "camping" with him. Calvin was reclining on a bench, chin cupped in hand, idly watching el televisor. Finn was throwing a fit, that Calvin would not play his game and proceeded to turn off the tv. He said to me "we have been watching too much tv lately". Bossy little thing.
Here is my middle child.
He is DEFINITELY, without a shadow of a doubt, the laid-back lounger of this house. I wish I were Calvin sometimes. He will never worry about getting good grades. He just doesn't care. As Finn is pouring fastidiously over his AWANA book, Calvin is substituting fake words into his verses and is overall very unconcerned whether he passes his section or not.
I can already see future band practice. Finn will be forcing Calvin to practice with him. Calvin will be late to practice. Or will no-show. Finn will get all aggravated. Should be fun.
The other puzzle piece is Ollie.
If you had told me my youngest child was supposed to be friendly and outgoing 1 month ago, I would have laughed you off the planet. Ollie has been the most temperamental, opinionated, tenacious little thing I have EVER met. He had a throw-down fit over a juice box for almost an hour at Finn's soccer game. However, I think a lot of Ollie's temper has to do with his gums erupting from 2 molars...and the fact that he cannot say many words and must cry to say what he wants.
However, when he is in a good mood and his needs are met, Ollie can be very funny. He will make just about any sound effect to get his brothers to laugh at him. The boys were laughing at Ollie for carrying a toy in his mouth like a bone and then spitting it out. Since they thought it was funny once, Ollie walked around for the next hour or so, with something in his mouth, trying to get brothers to laugh again.
And at Finn's previous soccer game, Ollie walked around everywhere, gazing up at strangers, willing them to talk to him. He even was grabbing middle-aged men by their love-handles(I don't think that was appreciated). Finn and Calvin never gazed at strangers adoringly. It may be too soon to tell with Ollie. And he just recently started getting more friendly(after I cut him off from nursing).
We shall see if this whole birth order thing proves correct for my clan.
Lorie, my boys discovered your fox tails and demolished them to pieces:(